Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Naturopathic Care For Your Baby

Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:127 UpdateTime:2008-10-18 23:36:27

Complementary medical care has gained increasing popularity in recent years. More and more people are seeking natural alternatives to healing. It's no surprise, then, that families are also looking more often for natural therapies to newborn skincare and digestive problems.

Naturopathic medicine is one approach to holistic healthcare. Naturopathy focuses on helping people achieve optimum health through natural processes, patient education, prevention strategies, and noninvasive therapies. Naturopathic doctors attend several years of specialized medical training at accredited naturopathic medical colleges. The profession, however, is regulated in just twelve states --Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. In those states, NDs must also pass medical board exams to become licensed.

Naturopathic practitioners provide complementary care for their patients. They take a comprehensive approach to health and spend a lot of time listening to their patients and helping them to become active participants in their healthcare. When you visit naturopathic doctors, you'll find they emphasize nutrition, dietary changes, and lifestyle modification in their treatment plans. Naturopathic doctors do not abandon or replace conventional medicine, though. Instead, they work cooperatively with other healthcare providers to provide a balanced approach to wellbeing.

Naturopathic treatment of babies can include homeopathy, herbal and physical medicine, and nutrition supplements. Practitioners seek the root cause of health problems and suggest natural, noninvasive therapies to promote healing. For newborns suffering from colic or irritability, they may introduce baby massage. Gentle herbal remedies may be used to heal conditions that affect baby's delicate skin or digestive disorders. And osteopathic manipulation may be offered to correct musculoskeletal imbalances.

Whatever the technique, the naturopathic practitioner ultimately seeks to improve and enhance baby's health naturally.

When looking for a naturopathic doctor, it's important to ensure he or she is properly trained. Your ND should have graduated from an accredited naturopathic college; and if you live in a state that regulates the profession, make sure he or she is properly licensed. A brief consultation with any prospective healthcare provider is advisable, as well, to ensure you feel comfortable with his or her approach to your health.

If you'd like to find out more on what naturopathy can do for your newborn, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians will help you locate a naturopathic doctor in your area through the organization's website

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